Leila Miller

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Canada's martial law: How do we know it's not about the virus?

Hint: It’s as plain as the uncovered nose on their faces.

The entire, ever-changing pandemic narrative has been riddled with half-truths and outright lies since the beginning (don't get me started), and actual science (as opposed to “the science”) has never been the engine driving this thing—this movement.

But if one were to dispute any points of the approved narrative at any point in the movement, real and painful consequences could and do follow. The constantly shifting (but never-to-be-crossed) narrative has to be adhered to slavishly if one wants to keep one’s reputation, social media account, livelihood, etc. Even if a dissenting opinion is proven correct in hindsight, as it almost always is, it doesn’t matter: No dissenter has yet been fully rehabilitated, with his good name restored and damages reversed.

The Covid narrative has never made any sense to thinking people, and for those with eyes to see, it’s clear that our ruling “elites” do not much worry about Covid contagion after all. Anyone who has been paying attention sees that the rulers themselves do not wear masks (past photo-ops) or follow lock-down rules, even as they impose them on the peasantry. It seems that Covid crazy has been more about something else, and not so much about keeping everyone safe in a pandemic.

The Canada Freedom Convoy, and the government’s draconian response, provides easy evidence.

Last week, Prime Minister Justin Trudeau imposed martial law against thousands of peaceful, working-class truckers and others protesting to restore basic rights and freedoms that the government illegitimately took from them. Non-violently, even cheerfully, they assembled around Parliament Hill in Ottawa for three weeks. They parked their trucks, honked their horns, ate and sang and danced and prayed, while their children played on bouncy houses. All the government had to do to disperse this happy, committed crowd of patriots was restore their rights by dropping Covid restrictions and mandates. No big deal; just give them their lives back, and the thousands of regular, hardworking, mom-and-pop Canadians (of all races and creeds) would simply turn their trucks around and go home (and back to work) just as peacefully as they came. The end.

Instead, we went from peaceful, productive citizens protesting their government’s overreach in joy and song and solidarity—to martial law. No dropping of the mandates, but rather escalation of power: police troops, tanks, batons, rifles, tear gas canisters, and roaming rooftop snipers to put down these citizens. Now, if there were any rhyme or reason to this debacle, such an extreme and unprecedented response could only mean that Covid is rampaging through the populace, killing citizens like the Black Plague, and the government simply had no choice but to act—to save the people! There could be no other reason why the mandates simply had to stay in place and the government had to employ such a drastic show of force, right? Unless… unless… the reason was political, and not about a deadly Covid threat.

How about we apply the test and determine how afraid of Covid the rulers are:

During the entire three weeks of the packed gatherings of thousands of unmasked folks (of whom we could expect a good percentage to be “unvaccinated”), how many times did you hear the government agents or Justin Trudeau raise the alarm about the risk of Covid spread during these gatherings? After all, that’s why the mandates exist, to stem the tide of the pandemic! But, how often did you hear that the virus was going to spread like wildfire, ripping through the crowds and reigniting a spread of this deadly virus? Did you hear the constant worry and outcry about the danger of this “super-spreader” event?

I didn’t hear it.

It’s true, I could have missed it. Maybe someone said it? But I was watching daily for three weeks, and as far as I heard, that aspect of things wasn’t even part of the conversation. I didn’t hear it in press conferences, or in live video feeds, or in other commentary. Did anyone hear it as part of the conversation? I am willing to be corrected, if that really was a main theme in the discussion. And really, if the free and democratic nation of Canada needed the mandates badly enough to turn all gestapo on a dissenting populace, then “Covid danger!” should have been the only theme.

Yet somehow, the theme of imminent Covid danger and death was strangely absent. When the heavily armed police force pointed their weapons at citizens, threw women to the ground, smashed truck windows and dragged out the drivers for arrest, trampled an elderly indigenous woman with their horses, did we see the fear of the virus? The fear that necessitated these mandates and this violent police response to peaceful people? Did we see the N95 masks and the dire warnings of contagion, etc.? No, of course not. No one was afraid of catching Covid.

Police confront protesters in Ottawa on Feb. 19, 2022. (Jonathan Ren/The Epoch Times)

This exercise of raw power by a petty tyrant (Trudeau) and his minions is not about a virus. Obviously.

The whole ugly exercise is about making sure that the peons comply and that punishment is severe for those who will not comply—punishment now including freezing and seizing bank accounts, cryptocurrency, and other assets of these working class folks. Canada is a test run for the rest of the petty tyrants of the world. This is about power, and only that.

If I am wrong, show me. Show me—with real evidence cited—the concern during these three weeks for the danger of Covid and the fear of the spread in that crowd. Show me.

Truth matters. Nothing matters more than the truth.

The comments are open, so have at it.


FYI, here is the slow-motion video of the elderly woman and a man getting trampled by the police horses. The government, police, and media all lied and said that a bicycle was thrown in the path of the horses. The lies that have been told about the Convoy are really breathtaking, but thank goodness for the unending hours of videotape that do not lie. Research for yourself.

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