Leila Miller

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Some questions about children during "Pride Month"

An image from a recent “child-friendly” drag show at a gay bar in Dallas, Texas.

Do you see the neon sign in the picture? That sign was glowing at a “child-friendly” drag queen show in Dallas recently. Elementary school children, brought by their parents or other adults, were able to read that as they watched men in drag dance sexually in front of them. The children were expected to enjoy the provocative performances and cheer; some children had money that they tucked in at the men’s gyrating waists.

So, this blog post (which I almost titled “Keep your hands off the children!”) is just some of my stream-of-consciousness questions as we watch the culture become more and more secular, transforming into a bizarre and dark place, especially for children.

And, to be clear, this is not a blog post about how to treat homosexuals (or children who might believe they are bisexual or homosexual, which I addressed here). This post is about the overt and proud sexualization of children by adults.

Remember in the not-so-distant past when we used words like “indecency,” “perversion,” and “deviancy”? Where did those words go? Is there anything we believe is indecent, perverse, or deviant anymore, when it comes to sexuality?

As we slog through the unending political theatre of an interminable “Pride Month” yet again—because apparently gay and transgender stuff doesn’t get any attention or airplay for the other 11 months of the year!—I want to know if any of those old perversions are still off-limits to children?

The above drag show, advertised for children, and with a sign like that… how is that not pedophilic? How are the adults involved not grooming children by purposely placing children there for enjoyment?

Years ago I asked if there is any natural “stop” to sexual “progressiveness,” and the answer is, more clearly than ever, “no.” It’s now a cultural standard for children to be groomed from their preschool and elementary school years to accept sodomy, transsexualism, “gender fluidity,” and surgical genital mutilation/sterilization of minors. School kids are encouraged to view pictures of sex acts, go to drag shows at gay bars, be brought to celebrations of stranger adults’ full nudity and kink, perform at “open mic” events at sex shops, etc. What, then, is left to see… or do? And for how long will there be any limits at all?

If a strange man in a park approached a child with half of what is presented to children under the guise of “pride” events, and elementary-age “sex education,” he would be arrested and imprisoned. But in “pride” events and schools, it’s all suddenly okay?

As Christians, we know that the sexualization of children, including into the realms of fetish and sodomy, must be diabolical, do we not? Has something changed?

If sexualizing children by normalizing both natural and unnatural sex acts is standard now, what comes next? Does it even bother us anymore? Should we be concerned about the groomers, a hefty proportion of whom seem to be teachers (including preschool teachers)? Should we be concerned that what we see above is supported by Hollywood, the media, and big corporations? Oh, and the Democrat Party?

Who, I wonder, is on the side of innocence and protection of children? Who is concerned with the latency period, or the “age of innocence,” that St. John Paul II talks about? Can we count on more than one hand the number of US or Canadian bishops who have spoken out against “Pride Month” and that which is targeted at our children more pointedly each year? Where are the bishops? Where are is the outcry from the most powerful Christian voices in the land? Where is Christ’s Church?

Things that would have been unthinkable just a few years ago are now out in the open, celebrated, “family friendly,” no hiding anymore—and they include community sponsors:

The Satanic Temple supports “pride.” Satan loves you! Smile at the “Say Pride!” photo booth, kids!

Can we not see it, even when they tell us directly?

Who will be accountable for this widespread corruption of the children now that perversity is normal and deviance is expected?

I just wonder what justice will look like in the end. We can be sure that, especially with children harmed, it won’t be pretty. It will be appropriate to the level of the moral crime, as Jesus says (Matthew 18:6):

“…whoever causes one of these little ones who believe in me to sin, it would be better for him to have a great millstone fastened around his neck and to be drowned in the depth of the sea.”

Every Catholic “progressive” who waves the (distorted) rainbow flag out of “love” and “acceptance”… do you think you won’t be accountable for the corruption of children and the violation of their innocence? You may believe that there is no harm in that flag and the normalization (and agenda) behind it, but that will be no excuse upon your day of judgment.

You “didn’t know”? How could you not know? It’s all over, and it’s in our faces, daily. We are morally culpable for willful ignorance. Willful ignorance is no excuse. As the Catechism says (1791):

”This is the case when a man ‘takes little trouble to find out what is true and good, or when conscience is by degrees almost blinded through the habit of committing sin.’ In such cases, the person is culpable for the evil he commits.”

Catholic parents, are you “non-judgmental” about perverse sexual acts being normalized for children, because “love is love”? Do you know your faith? Do you care? Do you know that before puberty homosexuality is not even to be discussed with children unless it’s unavoidable, according to our Church? Does that shock you? See 125(b) in this pontifical document for the proof of what I say.

When this life—which is but a breath, a puff of smoke—is over, where will we stand? If God’s created order is not perfect and good to us, if it’s not promoted, protected, or taught… then what was? What did we stand for, and what were the fruits? And where will we fit in eternity? On the side of purity and truth, or on the side where the demons do unspeakable, unnatural things to the damned souls—the very things we celebrated here, demanding the children celebrate as well?

When will we say that enough is enough?

A better question: Are we ready for the day that the Lord says He’s had enough?

Lord, have mercy on every silent or complicit Christian. Lord, have mercy on all of us.

Lord, please protect your children.