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”Impossible” Marriages Redeemed

Endorsed by His Excellency Athanasius Schneider.

The message of the culture is clear: When things get really bad in a marriage, the best, and even only, thing to do is to divorce and "move on." The message of the contemporary Church is not much different, although Catholics (both ordained and lay) might advise annulment after the civil divorce and before the "moving  on." The 65 stories in this book tell of a different way: A way of Christlike faithfulness and solemn commitment to one's sacred promises--something that was common (or at least considered honorable and right) in eras past, but which seems forgotten today. If the world is telling you (or if you are telling friends and family) to walk away from a marriage, read this book first. As a requested follow-up to the remarkable Primal Loss: The Now-Adult Children of Divorce Speak, this book will supply the hope, motivation, and tools needed to keep a marriage and family intact and on the road to true redemption. The first section of this book contains 50 stories of disaster marriages redeemed, and the second, smaller section contains 15 stories of “standers”—those wives or husbands who have chosen to stand for their marriage vows despite complete abandonment by their spouses. These are the witnesses rarely seen today, but most desperately needed. This book will remind you that marriage vows mean something